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Scottish Leader苏格里德

未知创建年份 / 英国    所属公司:DISTELL(迪斯特)

Scottish Leader(苏格里德,旧译:仕高利达)是Burn Stewart 酿造集团的重要产品之一,除此之外还有Bunnahabhain、Tobermory、Ledaig、Deanston、Black Bottle 等。2013年, South-African Distell Group(南非迪斯特集团)以1亿6千万英镑的价格收购了Burn Stewart。作为公司的旗舰产品,Scottish Leader 的销售范围覆盖60多个国家。传言这款调和酒也包含Caol Ila 和Aberfeldy 威士忌的成份,谷物威士忌则由Girvan 和North British 提供,最高熟成年分达到30年。

自从20世纪40年代开始,许多设计师都参与到Scottish Leader 酒标的设计工作中来,用鹿来诠释品牌(见上图旧版包装)。现在Scottish Leader 酒标改为老鹰来作为商标,放弃原来的鹿图形,或许以鹿作为酒标太多了,没有识别性。

Scottish Leader 作为混合型苏格兰威士忌,麦芽原液的配比高达40%。香甜的斯贝塞麦芽和汀斯顿酒厂的蜜糖味风格,是塑造Scottish Leader 个性味道的******功臣,调配采用的麦芽原液从4年到12年都有,调配采用的谷物原液更是从4年到20年不等。不同品质与年份的麦芽和酒液经过精心调配,成就了独特的Scottish Leader 威士忌。酿就Scottish Leader 卓越风格的正是集团下的三大单一麦芽酒厂—— 布纳哈本、汀斯顿及托本莫瑞,他们有如苏格兰王冠上的三颗璀灿宝石,映射酝酿出苏格兰最傲人的锋芒。

Scottish Leader 源自于苏格兰高地区的心脏地带,是苏格兰民族英雄威廉•华勒士于12世纪率领苏格兰人对抗英军争取自由的古战场。Scottish Leader 引用流经此地的晶透清澈的泰斯河水源酿制原酒,再由首席资深酿酒团队把关蒸馏,萃取最高质量的酒心原酒,放入严选上等橡木桶陈酿,最后存放在全苏格兰挑高厚实的酒窖,完美绝佳的陈酿条件,呼吸属于这块勇者之地的风土气息,创造出最强壮酒体与柔顺平衡的冠军威士忌。

Scottish Leader 苏格里德调合威士忌系列
Scottish Leader ORIGINAL
Scottish Leader ORIGINAL 苏格里德原创调合威士忌
Scottish Leader ORIGINAL blend brings together the finest malt and grain whiskies to create a smooth and balanced Scotch. The new developed blend, with additional malt content, retains the existing characteristics of Scottish Leader with increased body and balance.
Scottish Leader SIGNATURE
Scottish Leader SIGNATURE 调合威士忌
Scottish Leader SIGNATURE is a new special blend, adding Scottish island malts to create a distinctively rich and complex whisky with the signature hint of hebridean smokiness.
Scottish Leader SUPREME
Scottish Leader SUPREME 苏格里德金牌调合威士忌
Scottish Leader SUPREME remains the same, much-loved blend it always was. This award winning liquid is smooth and balanced, with a hint of sweet honey.
Scottish Leader 12 YEAR OLD
Scottish Leader 12 YEAR OLD 苏格里德12年调合威士忌
Scottish Leader 12 YEAR OLD is an endlessly smooth, rich and fruity blend, aged for 12 years. Perfectly balanced, this expression has long been a favourite in Asia.